The truth about lead aggregators and if they’re good for your business.
Should agents be spending a lot of time and resources on internet prospects and online lead aggregators? We’ve been getting this question a lot lately, so we want to address what we’ve learned from research and experience.
It has become more and more common for real estate search sites to learn how to collect information and curate it to sell to agents. However, is that a healthy way for you to generate business?
“Relying too heavily on online leads makes your business vulnerable.”
Our hesitation with this topic is we’ve found that the cost of these lead aggregators has increased tenfold over the last decade. They can still be a good way to gain business if handled in a healthy way. The problem comes when we find agents who say that these lead aggregators are their only source of business. This keeps those agents from building their own brand with people they know, like, and trust. That creates a much more vulnerable business.
We suggest that agents keep those lead aggregators below 25% of their business. If you have any questions about this or want to know about the lead sources we use, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can call us at (717) 216-0860 or email Click here to get all of our latest community and listing updates: We look forward to chatting with you.