Here’s why your database is the key to unlocking your business potential.

What’s the No. 1 way to effectively market and communicate with your real estate database? The best lead source we have to build our real estate businesses is our database. We have something called the “Database Lever.” It’s a 12-page plan I designed that articulates exactly how to go about building and communicating with your database. Today I’m sharing a few tips from it.

“It’s all about providing value to the people you know.”

First, write down all the people you know, like, and trust. Our database creation system asks you over 100 questions to trigger your mind as to who those people are going to be. After you add those people and their information to your CRM, you can start the communication process. You’ll come from a place of contribution and give them value through direct mail, email marketing, social media marketing, events, calls, and texts. In the “Database Lever,” we outline the exact conversations to have with people (minimum of four per year), so you’re not just calling them to call them, and you’re always bringing value.

I want to enrich the lives of all the people we interact with through their homeownership experience. I never ask them to do anything in return. If they do reciprocate, it’s because I’ve given them enough value that they felt they wanted to share with me and be a blessing to me too.

If you have any questions about this or want a glimpse into the “Database Lever,” private message me, or reach out at or (717) 216-0860. I look forward to hearing from you.