The Dave Hooke Team - Real Estate Coaching Blog

Getting Leads When Starting in Real Estate

  • Getting Leads When Starting in Real Estate

    The three lead sources I used to build my real estate business.

What Is the Best Lead Source?

  • What Is the Best Lead Source?

    Your database is the No. 1 lead source for your real estate business.

Develop These 6 Morning Habits

  • Develop These 6 Morning Habits

    Six great morning habits you can develop to make your day better.

How We Start the Business Day

  • How We Start the Business Day

    Three things to empower your organization to go to the next level.

Which 5 Books Can Help Kickstart Your Real Estate Career?

  • Which 5 Books Can Help Kickstart Your Real Estate Career?

    Here are five books that have helped my real estate career immensely.

4 Steps To Help You Hire Someone

  • 4 Steps To Help You Hire Someone

    Don’t get burnt out. Here are the four steps to help you hire someone new.