The Dave Hooke Team - Real Estate Coaching Blog

5 Steps to Build a Referral-Generating Machine

  • 5 Steps to Build a Referral-Generating Machine

    How can you increase your chance of getting solid referrals? Today I’ve laid out five steps that will help you do just that.

3 Simple Ways to Double Your Productivity in Real Estate

  • 3 Simple Ways to Double Your Productivity in Real Estate

    We can’t control the amount of time we have as real estate agents, but we can control how we spend that time. I’m here to tell you that if...

How Can You Ensure All Your Clients Are Serviced Equally?

  • How Can You Ensure All Your Clients Are Serviced Equally?

    You can use a action items to make your business processes repeatable and make sure all your clients get the same level of service.

5 Critical Technologies You Need to Grow Your Business

  • 5 Critical Technologies You Need to Grow Your Business

    Don’t be fooled by things you don’t need to spend your money on—here are five technologies that are essential to helping your business gro...

Our Key to Time & Task Management Success

  • Our Key to Time & Task Management Success

    You should always work on a few projects in 90-minute chunks each week to grow the business.

This Document Is the Key to Ensuring Your Business Is Growing

  • This Document Is the Key to Ensuring Your Business Is Growing

    Keeping track of your critical activities is the key to assuring you grow your business. Here’s how our team does it.